Wednesday 30 January 2013

Benefits of Garage Door Insulation

When people look to upgrade a home or build a new house, they rarely consider adding garage door insulation to the list of must have necessities. However, a well-insulated garage door has several benefits for homeowners. These benefits include increased energy efficiency and thus utility cost savings, reducing a home's carbon footprint, and keeping homes and garages warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Save Money
As with home insulation, higher R-values protect better against the heat and cold. Most garage door manufacturers use wood frames with polystyrene material to insulate garage doors. These wood based sections provide an R-value in the 5-7 range. in the Rocky Mountain region with insulation that has an R-value of 49 to 60.

built with steel sections as the base have an R-value of 13 to 17.5. The higher the insulation value, the less heat homeowners will lose through the garage door. By lowering heat loss with garage door insulation, homeowners reduce their overall utility bills.
we tested the heat loss of our garage doors against standard polystyrene insulated doors. Heat loss with standard doors was about 1,500 BTUs per hour for an annual heating cost of more than $200. Steel insulated garage doors lost between 300 and 450 BTUs per hour, saving homeowners an average of $185 a year.

Going Green
In addition to saving money, homeowners will reduce their overall carbon footprint by adding garage door insulation. When it takes fewer resources to heat a home, there is less a demand for energy from the grid and fewer fossil fuels being used for heating needs. Insulated garage doors also make the ideal choice for new home construction looking to achieve,These standards award additional points for enhanced insulation and reduced air infiltration. Garage door insulation meets both these requirements.

Home Comfort
Saving money and helping save the planet are reason enough to consider garage door insulation. But home comfort should also top the list of reasons to look into well-insulated garage doors. Doors with steel bases and polyurethane insulation reduce the overall air infiltration to a garage by as much as 83 percent. With less outdoor air leaking into a garage, the garage stays at a more even temperature. A more even temperature means the items in a garage are at less risk for weather related damage from either heat or cold. It also means less air will leak into a house from an attached garage, which forces the thermostat to fight harder to make a home comfortable.

A home's focal point is often the garage. And while beauty and style are considerations when purchasing or upgrading a garage door, homeowners and builders should add garage door insulation to their checklist. Insulated garage doors will pay for themselves through savings in utility bills, lower a home's carbon footprint and make a home more comfortable


  1. Some companies offer to esteemed clients a wide range of qualitative hinged Insulated Doors which are with superb functionalities and are highly durable when used in construction.

  2. Ratings of garage doors may help you select the best garage door for your new home. When considering your ratings of garage doors you should consider the various construction materials and styles including the popular carriage door designs as well as the window options that are available.

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  3. Informative article you have shared, these benefits are true of garage door insulation, few months ago i get my garage door insulated by a professional insulation fenton mi they done it very well. I experienced that my electricity bill was less than before after installing it, i have not noticed other points but i think insulation can do it. Great post keeps it up.

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  5. Its all clear out that garage door insulation is also essential one for us but peoples aren't considering I really happy for your blogging information, Its perfect guidance blog post so thanks for sharing it.
