Thursday, 31 January 2013

history of china wall

The history of the Great Wall is said to start from the Spring and Autumn Periods when seven powerful states appeared at the same time. In order to defend themselves, they all built walls and stationed troops on the borders. At that time, the total length of the wall had already reached 3,107 miles, belonging to different states.In 221 BC, the Emperor Qin absorbed the other six states and set up the first unified kingdom in Chinese history. In order to strengthen his newly born authority and defend the Huns in the north, he ordered connecting the walls once built by the other states as well as adding some sections of his own. Thus was formed the long Qin's Great Wall which started from the east of today's Liaoning Province and ended at Lintao, Gansu Province.In the Western Han Dynasty, the Huns became more powerful. The Han court started to build more walls on a larger scale in order to consolidate the frontier. In the west, the wall along the Hexi corridor, Yumenguan Pass, and Yangguan Pass was built. In the north, Yanmenguan Pass and Niangziguan Pass in Shanxi were set up. Many more sections of the wall extended to Yinshan Mountain and half of the ancient Silk Road was along the Han's wall.The Northern Wei, Northern Qi and Northern Zhou Dynasties all built their own sections but on a smaller scale than the walls in the Han Dynasty. The powerful Tang Dynasty saw peace between the northern tribes and central China most of the time, so few wall sections were built in this period.
Great Wall of Qin Dynasty on Yinshan Mountain, Guyang County, Inner Mongolia
Great Wall of Qin Dynasty on Yinshan
Mountain, Guyang County, Inner Mongolia
Great Wall of Han Dynasty, Dunhuang, Gansu
Great Wall of Han Dynasty,
Dunhuang, Gansu
The Ming Dynasty is the peak of wall building in Chinese history. The Ming suffered a lot by disturbances from minority tribes such as the Dadan, Tufan and Nuzhen. The Ming court from its first emperor to the last ceaselessly built walls in the north. The main line started from Jiuliancheng near the Yalu River in the east to the Jiayuguan Pass in the west and measured over 4,600 miles. Besides adding many more miles of its own, the Ming emperors ordered enlargement of the walls of previous dynasties into double-line or multi-line walls. For example, out of Yanmenguan Pass were added three big stone walls and 23 small ones. Eleven Garrisons were distributed along the main line of the wall. The countless walls, fortresses, and watch towers made the country strongly fortified. In the early Qing Dynasty, some sections of the walls were repaired and several sections were extended. This great engineering work stopped in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.Owing to its long history, natural disasters and human activities, many sections of the Great Wall are severely damaged and disappearing. Being a world-famous engineering project and witness to the rise and fall of Chinese history, the wall, needs us to take immediate action to protect it!

How to lose Weight quickly

The Grapefruit diet is a short-termed diet, which only lasts for a mere 2 ½ months. This diet can cause rapid weight loss and is highly popular among those who want to lose those extra pounds in a jiffy.
The grapefruit itself is such a healthy fruit. The fruit is known to contain literally no fat at all! It can help you to lose weight, as it is an energy-giving fruit. At the same time, it keeps your thyroid hormone well balanced and ensures a proper intake of fatty acids. It contains lots of potassium and is good for the heart. It however contains large amounts of vitamin C, antioxidants in the form of beta-carotene, sodium, and fiber.
Grapefruit diet may help people reduce their total calorie intake, but on the other side it may not be able to supply you with sufficient nutrients. In other words, the best way to a balanced diet is one that consists of all the essential nutrients.
It is best that you don’t eat much of anything, including grapefruits. The most ideal diet is one that is well balanced and well proportioned.
For instance, you can take a healthy helping of grapefruit, but do include other essential nutrients, which are not found in the fruit. Balance is the main key here. Do consult with your personal physician or dietitian before trying out on the Grapefruit diet.
The Grapefruit Diet weight loss plan is the ideal weight loss diet for real heavy weighters who need to lose lots of pounds. By following closely the Grapefruit diet, you would be able to lose 52 pounds within two and a half month!
However, several experts seem to say otherwise about the effectiveness of the grapefruit in its ability to cause weight loss. Some dietitians explained that the wonders of the grapefruit diet are simply myths and are not factual as these claims are not scientifically supported.
Some things are still left unexplained. For example, in the 1930’s, some claimed that the grapefruit’s enzyme would be able melt body fat. But yet, till today, no one can provide a concrete explanation on how it is made possible.
These counter allegations are not scientifically proven either. So, if you are on a grapefruit diet and it seems to be working well for you, it may be best for you to continue. After all, what matters is that a diet program works.
2. 3 Day Diet:
The 3-day diet is just another fad diet dating back to the 1980s. The 3-day diet is said to promote quick weight loss, lower cholesterol, cleansing and increased energy. The 3-day diet plan is a quick plan whereby you are entitled to eat only certain kinds of food in order to create a chemical reaction in your digestive system. This is so that it will boost the metabolism and hence causing our body to burn fat at a faster rate.
The 3-day diet is very specific and all you need to do is to adhere to it precisely. The portions must be eaten as specified and you must not overeat. If you fail to do otherwise, the 10-pound weight loss that you wish to achieve by the end of the 3-day diet would not be reached. Remember, at the same time, do not under-eat.
The 3-day diet goes as follows:
Breakfast: a piece of toast with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, one half a grapefruit and coffee (no sugar)
Lunch: black coffee, a piece of toast and a can of tuna
Dinner: a cup of green beans, 3 ounces of chicken or lean meat, one cup of carrots, one cup of regular vanilla ice cream and one apple
The next 2 days of the diet follows on like the 1st day, even though the menus differ slightly. At Day 2, one specific change is recommended – Eat 2 beef franks for dinner instead of 3 ounces of lean meat. The author refuses to reveal the science supporting this change though!
There are set backs to the 3-day diet. Firstly, it is most likely that you would put back the weight you loss right after the 3rd day. Secondly, you might want to consider the effects the 3-day diet will have on your health. During the 3-day diet, you will experience low energy. This is simply because you are consuming only 600 calories, while the body actually requires more than this to go about daily!
The good thing to the 3-day diet is that it is very useful for anyone who wishes to loose those pounds quickly for a special upcoming event. It is the “easy” way out of the usual standard hard-core dieting. This diet also does not consist of any exercise regimen.
How the 3-day diet works is by reducing the “Water weight” of your body. This is simply done by concentrating your meals on fish and cutting out all carbohydrates intake. As said, the weight loss is just temporary for as soon as you resume with your normal diet, you will put the water weight back on!

Improve your brain health and performance

1) Cut Off the Noise
It may be obvious that distractions aren’t helping your focus, but do you actually cut them out? I’ll admit, it can be tempting to put the e-mail alerts on, turn on the IM and answer every request sent your way. But in the end it is only preventing you from concentrating.
Getting into a state of concentration can take at least fifteen minutes. If you are getting distracted every five, you can’t possibly focus entirely on your work. Answer your e-mails at scheduled times. Request that people don’t interrupt you when working on a big project. If you are required to answer phones and drop-in’s immediately, schedule work when the office is less busy.

2) Structure Your Environment

The place you work can have an impact on your ability to focus. Try to locate yourself so you are facing potential distractions such as doors, phones or windows. This way you can take a glance to assess sounds that would otherwise break your focus.
3) Clarify Objectives
Know what your goal is clearly before you start. If you aren’t sure what the end result is, the confusion will make it impossible to focus. Before I write any articles, I define the main focus of the article and get a brief mental picture of the structure. Unclear objectives often result in having to redo sections of work.
4) Divide Blobs
Big blobs of tasks that have no clear start or end point destroy focus. If you have a large project that needs work, clearly identify a path that you will use to get started working on it. If the sequence of actions isn’t obvious, it will be difficult to concentrate. Taking a few minutes to plan not only your end result, but the order you will complete any steps, can save hours in wasted thinking.
5) Know the Rules
Get clear on what the guidelines are for the task ahead. What level of quality do you need? What standards do you need to follow? What constraints are there? If you are writing a program, get clear on how much commenting you need, what functions you want to use and the flexibility required. If you are writing an article, decide on the length and style.
If the rules aren’t clear from the outset, you will slip out of concentration as you ponder them later.

6) Set a Deadline

Deadlines have both advantages and disadvantages when trying to force concentration. A deadline can make it easier to forget the non-essential and speed up your working time. If you give yourself only an hour to design a logo, you will keep it simple and avoid fiddling with extravagant designs.
Time limits have disadvantages when they cause you to worry about the time you have left instead of the task itself. I recommend using a deadline when:
  1. Time is limited. If you only have a day to complete work that could easily take weeks, chunking it into specific deadlines will strip away everything that isn’t crucial.
  2. It’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. If your task could easily expand to have new features or ideas, use a deadline to keep it under control.
  3. To avoid procrastination. A tight deadline can save you if you are worried about procrastinating.

7) Break Down Roadblocks

Roadblocks occur whenever you hit a tricky problem in your work. This can happen when you run out of ideas or your focus wavers. Break down roadblocks by brainstorming or planning on a piece of paper. Writing out your thought processes can keep you focused even if you might become frustrated.
8 ) Isolate Yourself
Become a hermit and stay away from other people if you want to get work done. Unless your work is based on other people they will only break your focus. Create a private space and refuse to talk to anyone until your work is finished. Put a sign on your door to steer away drop-ins and don’t answer your phone.

9) Healthy Body, Sharper Mind

What you put into your body affects the way you concentrate. Nobody would expect peak performance if they showed up drunk to work. But if you allow yourself to get chronic sleep deprivation, overuse stimulants like caffeine or eat dense, fatty foods your concentration will suffer. Try to cut out one of your unhealthy habits for just thirty days to see if there is a difference in your energy levels. I’ve found even small steps can create dramatic changes in my ability to focus.
10) Be Patient
Before I write an article, I often sit at my desk for a fifteen or twenty minutes before I put finger on the keyboard. During this time I feel a strong urge to leave or do something else. But I know that if I am patient, I’ll stumble upon an idea to write about and enter a state of flow. Without a little patience, you can’t take advantage of flow when it rushed through you.
If you need strong concentration I recommend periods of 90-120 minutes. Any less than that and you will waste too much time getting started before the flow can continue. More than this is possible to sustain focus, but you will probably benefit from a quick break.

analyze things

How can you change how you think and analyze things? How do you think and analyze things in different ways?

We all have our own way of thinking about things and analyzing them, to come to some kind of conclusion, decision, or other kind of result (or sometimes no result at all). Is it possible to change the way you think and analyze through things?

This has wide implementations, not only in abstract thinking like philosophy but also in everyday life and in conversations. Example: Let's say I want to increase my success rate in a certain skill. Thinking through how I would improve my performance, the first thing I'd think about is gaining more experience in it. Another way that some people think of first, is to start analyzing the skill from the ground up. What are the patterns that experts in this skill exhibit? Can we replicate them and take a shortcut?

These are two ways that you could think about something. My objective is to increase the number of ways I think about and analyze things.

My preliminary thinking (heh) in this thought that inquisition was one tried and true method in thorough analysis of something. So, in essence, one method of expanding your analytical thinking is to ask Why? and How? to things.

The Independent Thinker

Independent Thinkers like you are analytical and witty persons. You are self-confident and do not let yourself get worked up by conflicts and criticism. You are very much aware of your own strengths and have no doubts about your abilities. People of your personality type are often very successful in their career as they have both competence and purposefulness. Independent Thinkers are excellent strategists; logic, systematics and theoretical considerations are your world. You are eager for knowledge and always endeavour to expand and perfect your knowledge in any area which is interesting for you. Abstract thinking comes naturally to you; scientists and computer specialists are often of this type.

Independent Thinkers are specialists in their area. The development of your ideas and visions is important to you; you love being as flexible as possible and, ideally, of being able to work alone because you often find it a strain having to make your complex trains of thought understandable to other people. You cannot stand routine. Once you consider an idea to be good it is difficult to make you give it up; you pursue the implementation of that idea obstinately and persistently, also in the face of external opposition.

As an Independent Thinker, you are one of the introverted personality types. That is one of the reasons you prefer to work alone. This does not mean that you cannot be successful in a team, as well. For you, the task is most important and people who are involved come second. The contact with others, the necessity to adjust yourself to their daily changing sensitivities - all of it is just more gratuitous emotion that keep you from totally devoting yourself to those things that truly interest you: analyzing systems and policies, researching potentials for change, developing new ideas and implementing them in reality.

Here you differ from the second introverted Thinker type, the Analytical Thinker: You truly enjoy implementing your concepts and you enjoy the results. Therefore you should look for a work environment where you can accompany and expedite your ideas through to their conclusion. You consider difficult situations as challenges that really try your creativity and you frequently surprise people around you with genuinely incredibly bright ideas, rendering others speechless with their excellence. Your world consists of statistics, legitimacy, and systematics.

Considering all of this, your Thinker type is very praxis-oriented, and by no means lives on an intellectual ivory tower. You are not interested in theories not related to reality. As in chess, you are excellent at predicting the consequences of your methods in advance, and then choosing the appropriate alternative. Once you have made your decision on how to deal with a situation, you are totally willing to use your elbows and you don’t necessarily show any consideration for others. With that, you occasionally encounter resistance from other, less task-oriented colleagues that you quickly brush aside.

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Take the first step toward a happier and more fulfilling life

10 ways to decorate your house

Home decorating can be a fun task that can let you have the freedom of expressing yourself through your home in any way you want. Here are 50 ideas on how you can decorate your home for under 50 dollars.
1. The next time you are planning a party or a fun family dinner gathering why not dress your everyday dishes by adding pieces of another color or pattern from your collection.
2. Have you ever felt some part of your house small or tiny? Well there is no worrying now! Why not group mirrors on a wall to make a tiny room look and feel bigger. You can buy self-adhesive mirror tiles. You can buy the self adhesive 
3. Rearrange things. Instead of a big seating area with the sofa agaisnt the wall, break up the room into two cozy sections.
4. Forgo store-bought flowers and compose your own arrangements, using branches with berries, leaves, stones and other natural gifts from your backyard.
5. Look around your house for an unused piece of fabric(like a big bold floral print) or a geometric quilt. Hang it on a dowel and mount it behind a bed to make an instant headboard. This creation was taken from Kim Myles, HGTV's Myles of Style. You can visit her website at: also you can read her blog to find out more about her and what she is up to at: and more about her television show
 6. Tuck unexpected things in surprise places- like a ceramic animal under a table or a lush green plant on a small stool. Visit this website to get an idea on what you
 7. For an easy bathroom update, buy two shower curtains and change it with the seasons. Try a sunny color in spring and a subdued hue in fall.
8. I did not know this before but i found out that every room in your house needs animal magnetism. You can add a zebra-print pillow or a cool awesome leopard-fabric-covered box.
9. Put together all the candlesticks you have- it doesn't matter if they match- and group them all together as a center piece on a table. 
10. Make art from famuily mementos or souvenirs from a favorite trip. Frame a collage of postcards, stamps or your kids artwork. You can buy these box

Places to See in Dubai

Earthquake Safety Precautions

As unpredictable events of nature, earthquakes can cause much damage and destruction and much loss of life. During an earthquake injury and death to persons are usually caused by falling objects and collapsing buildings. In order to minimize the impact that earthquakes can have it is most important that safety precautions are observed and adhered to. The following safety precautions take into consideration:
a. Before an earthquake.
b. During an earthquake.
c. After an earthquake.
1. Potential earthquake hazards in the home and workplace should be removed and corrected. Top-heavy furniture and objects, such as book cases and storage cabinets, should be fastened to the wall and the largest and heaviest objects placed on lower shelves.
2. Supplies of food and water, flashlight, a first-aid kit and a battery-operated radio should be set aside for use in emergencies.
3. One or more family members should have a working knowledge of first-aid measures because medical facilities nearly are always overloaded during an emergency or disaster, or may, themselves, be damaged beyond use.
4. All family members should know what to do to avoid injury and panic. They should know how to turn off the electricity, water and gas. They should know the locations of the main switch valves. This is particularly important for teenagers who are likely to be alone with smaller children.
1. The most important thing to do during an earthquake is to remain CALM. If you can do so then you are less likely to be injured. Also, those around you will have a greater tendency to be clam if you are calm.
2. Make no moves or take no action without thinking about the possible consequences. Any irrational movement may be an injurious one.
3. If you are inside stay there. Stand in a doorway or crouch under a desk or table, away from windows or glass fixtures.
4. If you are outside, stay there. Stay away from objects such as light poles, buildings, trees and telephone and electric wires, which could fall and injure you.
5. If you are in an automoblie, drive away from underpasses/overpasses, and stop in the safest place possible and stay there.
1. After an earthquake the most important thing to do is to check for injuries in your family and in the neighbourhood. Seriously injured persons should not be moved unless they are in immediate danger of further injury. First-aid should be administered, but only by someone who is qualified or has a working knowledge of first-aid.
2. Evacuate the building as soon as the shaking stops. Carefully inspect the exterior of the building for cracks in walls, shifted posts and pillars. If you see anything other than minor cracks do no re-enter the building until it has been inspected for safety by a professional.
3. Check for safety-hazards - gas, water sewage breaks; downed power lines and electrical short circuits, damaged and weakened buildings and foundations, fires and fire hazards.
4. Turn off appropriate utilities. Do not use matches, lighters or open flame, appliances or electrical switches until you are sure that there are no gas leaks.
5. Do not use the telephone except in extreme emergency.
6. Wear shoes and protective clothing, for example, hard hats and gloves, to avoid injuries while clearing debris.
7. Keep battery-operated radios and listen for emergency bulletins.
8. If electrical power is off for any length of time use the foods in your refrigerator and freezer before they spoil. Canned and dry foods should be saved for last.
9. Co-operate with all public safety and relief organizations. Do not go into damaged areas unless authorized by appropriate personnel.
10. Be prepared for additional earthquake shocks.

Impress Everyone Around You

28 Dignified Ways to Impress Everyone Around You

Here are 28 dignified ways to impress everyone around you.  If you practice these tips on a regular basis, they won’t just impress others, they’ll help you become a better person too.

1.    Be authentic. Be true to yourself. – Judy Garland once said, “Always be a first rate version of yourself instead of a second rate version of somebody else.”  Live by this statement.  There is no such thing as living in someone else’s shoes.  The only shoes you can occupy are your own.  If you aren’t being yourself, you aren’t truly living – you’re merely existing.  And ask yourself this:  If you don’t like who you really are, why should I like you?
2.    Care about people. – If you don’t genuinely care about people, they won’t care about you.  The more you help others, the more they will want to help you.  Love and kindness begets love and kindness.  And so on and so forth.
3.    Make others feel good. – People will rarely remember what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.
4.    Be honest and take ownership of your actions. – Nobody likes a liar.  In the long-run, the truth always reveals itself anyway.  Either you own up to your actions or your actions will ultimately own you.
5.    Smile often. – Everyone likes the sight of a genuine smile.  Think about how you feel when a complete stranger looks into your eyes and smiles.  Suddenly they don’t seem like a stranger anymore, do they?
6.    Respect elders.  Respect minors.  Respect everyone. – There are no boundaries or classes that define a group of people that deserve to be respected.  Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to your grandfather and the same level of patience you would have with your baby brother.  People will notice your kindness.
7.    Address people by their name. – People love the sight and sound of their own name.  So make sure you learn to remember names.  Use them courteously in both oral and written communication.
8.    Say “Please” and “Thank you.” – These two simple phrases make demands sound like requests, and they inject a friendly tone into serious conversations.  Using them can mean the difference between sounding rude and sounding genuinely grateful.
9.    Excel at what you do. – I am impressed by great guitarists, writers, bloggers, painters, motivational speakers, internet entrepreneurs, computer engineers, mothers, fathers, athletes, etc.  There is only one thing they all have in common: They excel at what they do.  There’s no point in doing something if you aren’t going to do it right.  Excel at your work and excel at your hobbies.  Develop a reputation for yourself, a reputation for consistent excellence.
10.                      Help others when you’re able. – In life, you get what you put in.  When you make a positive impact in someone else’s life, you also make a positive impact in your own life.  Do something that’s greater than you – something that helps someone else to be happy or to suffer less.  Everyone values the gift of unexpected assistance and those who supply it.
11.                      Put a small personal touch on everything you do. – Think of it as branding your work.  If you’re funny, add a little humor into it.  If you’re an artist, decorate it with illustrations.  Whatever you do, customize it with a little personal touch of ‘you.’
12.                      Over-deliver on all of your promises. – Some people habitually make promises they are just barely able to fulfill.  They promise perfection and deliver mediocrity.  If you want to boost your personal value in the eyes of others, do the exact opposite.  Slightly under-sell your capabilities so that you’re always able to over-deliver.  It will seem to others like you’re habitually going above and beyond the call of duty.
13.                      Get organized. – How can you get anything accomplished if you aren’t organized?  You can’t.  Make a regular habit of organizing your living space and working space.  For some practical organizational guidance, I recommend David Allen’s Getting Things Done.
14.                      Do your research and ask clarifying questions. – Don’t be that clueless dude in the room who just nods like he knows what’s going on.  Prepare yourself by doing research ahead of time.  And if something still doesn’t make sense to you, ask questions.  The people involved will respect your desire to understand the material.
15.                      Share knowledge and information with others. – When you can, be a resource to those around you.  If you have access to essential information, don’t hoard it.  Share it openly.
16.                      Be positive and focus on what’s right. – Everything that happens in life is neither good nor bad.  It just depends on your perspective.  And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should.  Either you succeed or you learn something.  So stay positive, appreciate the pleasant outcomes, and learn from the rest.  Your positivity will rub off on everyone around you.
17.                      Listen intently to what others have to say. – Eyes focused, ears tuned, mobile phone off.  In a world that can’t move fast enough, someone who can find time to listen to others is always appreciated.
18.                      Be faithful to your significant other. – Tiger Woods was everyone’s hero until recently, wasn’t he?  Sustained fidelity in a long-term intimate relationship is not only impressive, it creates a healthy foundation for everything else you do.
19.                      Learn to appreciate and love Mother Nature. – Those who truly appreciate and love the natural world surrounding us typically exhibit the same high regard for all humanity.  It’s a positive way to live, and it’s something people notice.
20.                      Invest time, energy and money in yourself every day. – When you invest in yourself, you can never lose, and over time you will change the trajectory of your life.  You are simply the product of what you know.  The more time, energy and money you spend acquiring pertinent knowledge, the more control you have over your life and the more valuable you will be to everyone around you.  For fresh ideas on self improvement and lifestyle design, I recommend The 4-Hour Workweek.
21.                      Perform random acts of kindness on a regular basis. – Pay for a stranger’s coffee in line at Starbucks.  Buy the office receptionist flowers just to say, “Thank you.”  Help an elderly lady with her groceries.  There’s nothing more rewarding than putting smiles on the faces around you.
22.                      Compliment people who deserve it. – Go out of your way to personally acknowledge and complement the people who have gone out of their way to shine.  Everybody likes to hear that their efforts are appreciated.
23.                      Speak clearly and make eye contact. – Most people have a very low tolerance for dealing with people they can’t understand.  Mystery does not fuel strong relationships and impressiveness.  Also, there’s little doubt that eye contact is one of the most captivating forms of personal communication.  When executed properly, eye contact injects closeness into human interaction.
24.                      Make yourself available and approachable. – If people cannot get a hold of you, or have trouble approaching you, they will forget about you.  Your general availability and accessibility to others is extremely important to them.  Always maintain a positive, tolerant attitude and keep an open line of communication to those around you.
25.                      Be self-sufficient. – Freedom is the greatest gift.  Self-sufficiency is the greatest freedom.  And self-sufficiency is quite impressive too.   In the business world, it’s one of the primary dreams that inspire people to give-up their day jobs to pursue entrepreneurship.
26.                      Exploit the resources you do have access to. – The average person is usually astonished when they see a physically handicap person show intense signs of emotional happiness.  How could someone in such a restricted physical state be so happy?  The answer rests in how they use the resources they do have.  Stevie Wonder couldn’t see, so he exploited his sense of hearing into a passion for music, and he now has 25 Grammy Awards to prove it.
27.                      Be a part of something you believe in. – This could be anything.  Some people take an active role in their local city council, some find refuge in religious faith, some join social clubs supporting causes they believe in, and others find passion in their careers.  In each case the psychological outcome is the same.  They engage themselves in something they strongly believe in.  This engagement brings happiness and meaning into their lives.  It’s hard not to be impressed by someone who’s passionate about what they’re doing.
28.                      Stand up for your beliefs without flaunting them. – Yes, it is possible to stand up for your beliefs without foisting them down someone else’s throat.  Discuss your personal beliefs when someone asks about them, but don’t spawn offensive attacks of propaganda on unsuspecting victims.  Stand firm by your values and always keep an open mind to new information


The Benefits of Using a Good Perfume’

Sexual attraction
On the other hand, the smell also has an important role in increasing sexual attractiveness of a person. Sexual attraction is influenced by certain odors that are imperceptible. These odors are produced by pheromones, which are chemicals that your body produces naturally and which aims to attract the opposite sex. Therefore, and to increase sex appeal
At the moment still under discussion whether these pheromones have the same effect on the opposite sex with natural pheromones. Leaving aside the issue of pheromones, which itself is proven is that if you wear a perfume smell is attractive, call more attention and more positive feelings pass along that if you take it.
Apart from these benefits we have enumerated, using a special perfume is something we like, it’s fun and makes us feel safe, attractive and suggestive. At the end of the day, take a good perfume is part of our personality and the fact of choosing a good fragrance, long lasting, that represents us and that changes subtly with the passing of the hours and adapting to natural scent of our skin is as important as choosing the clothes, shoes or accessories that we carry.
Remembering loved ones
Many of us feel happy when we smell a fragrance that reminds us of a beloved relative, friend or spouse. It’s interesting how when someone uses a perfume with a certain frequency, your friends and family begin to associate that smell with that person. It is also interesting to see how the same perfume in two different people have a distinct odor.
It says a lot about you
The perfume you choose also suggests or conveys people something about you, helping you to consolidate your personality. A fragrance communicates things about you to those around you, just as it does clothing design, the car you drive, hair or bag you carry.
The fragrance you choose to endorse and support your personality. The most common is that people who are extroverted and strong perfumes to choose notorious and shy people opt for soft and sweet fragrances that make them go unnoticed.
Most of the women we love to  because it gives us a different feel, reinforces our personality and makes us feel safer and more attractive. Each of us have a number of favorite scents that we use as our mood, season and occasion. Throughout history, the perfume has been used for many reasons and has proved a valuable asset for women in times past and today. And although the perfume is a luxury, not a necessity, its popularity is growing every year.
This growth and interest in the perfumes is motivated by different factors, which we shall enumerate.
Effect on our brain
One of the most important benefits are the perfumes is the positive effect produced by the different aromas in our brain. Each scent, either natural or synthetic, emits a number of particles entering the nostrils of our nose. Our nose contains a large number of receptor neurons that take the scent and send a message to the brain that enables people to recognize both the smell and identify where the smell.
These aromas arouse different reactions in us and we generate different stimulus ranging from nostalgia to fill us with energy. There are studies that suggest that the ability to smell (the sense of smell) has a positive impact on people and has shown that people who have no sense of smell have a less happy, less pleasant and less full than those who can enjoy the different smells.

How to Find New Customers and Increase Sales

How to better understand your target audience, generate new sales leads, and focusing on getting more revenue from existing clientele.
In a perfect world, you would have an unlimited budget to market your business in order to find new customers and increase sales. You could buy lots of online and offline advertising, run promotions to build traffic in store and online, and launch a proactive public relations campaign to increase your product or brand's visibility and awareness. But this isn't a perfect world. Realistically, most small businesses and even many mid-sized firms have more great ideas on how to peddle their wares than available resources. 

So where do you start if you are looking for more customers? Learning to generate new sales leads is an essential skill for an entrepreneur. Even if you don't consider yourself a salesperson in the classic sense of the Willy Loman character from Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman, you need to understand that the possibilities for finding new customers range from cold calling names from the phone book to buying lists of potential customers to using newer Internet techniques like search engine optimization to drive new business to your website.
How to Find New Customers and Increase Sales: Understand Your Target Audience

Before you can find new customers and increase sales, you need to understand who your customer is, what value proposition you offer to customers, and what your competition is currently offering in the market and where there are gaps for a new entrant. In other words, you need to do some market research -- whether that means hiring an outside firm to do the legwork or trying to do it yourself. There's an underlying disconnect between your motivation to increase sales and your customer's motivation to solve their problems. 
How to Find New Customers and Increase Sales: Find Out Who Your Current Customers Are
In order to develop a marketing plan to reach new customers, you need to better understand who you're already selling to. "If I'm trying to expand sales, I have to find out who my existing customers are. What are their demographics? What do they look like?" says Jerry Osteryoung, director of outreach for the Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship at Florida State University. "That means doing market research."
How to Find New Customers and Increase Sales: Defining the Market for Your Product
Use the information about your existing customers to develop a target audience for your business in its drive to win new customers and increase sales. "While there are core customers you are trying to reach, often there are other markets that are also important to address," Arnof-Fenn says. "Make sure you know who the gatekeepers and influencers are; they will affect the decision makers and you will most likely need to sell to them differently than to the end user." For example, parents might be the gatekeepers for products targeted to children or technology managers might hold influence over a company's decision to invest in new software.

Determine which key messages, features and benefits matter to each potential market. Tell these customers how your business can help them solve their problems. "In order to have a customer go to your online shop, you have to find a reason why these customers want to come to you," Osteryoung says. "The value proposition has to be spelled out clearly."

Benefits of Writer’s Notebooks

Many writers like to keep writer’s notebooks handy so they can jot  down “seed” ideas whenever they pop into their heads.  I encourage students to do the same. The writer’s notebook is a staple in my writing classroom, probably our most important writing tool.  It is a place for my students to free write on mostly self-selected topics, a place for them to explore seed ideas which may later be taken to publication.  It is also a place for my students to practice revising their writing using the craft techniques we learn through mentor text mini-lessons.

  • Promotes fluency in writing and reading

  • Encourages risk taking

  • Provides opportunities for reflection

  • Validates personal experiences and feelings

  • Promotes thinking and makes it visible

  • Promotes development of written language conventions

  • Provides a vehicle for evaluation

  • Provides a written record of students’ literacy learning

Wednesday, 30 January 2013


Detroit is located in south east Michigan, is the states largest city, and is accessible by car, plane, train and boat. Founded by the Frenchman, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac in 1701, it lies across the Detroit River from Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Detroit is known for being the birthplace of the modern, mass produced automobile (The Model T was produced here) and for being home to The Detroit Three - General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. Detroit is also famous for its music including Motown and modern rock, rap and electronica artists. 

After years of tension that led to riots in 1967, many inhabitants of Detroit fled for the safety and relative economic stability of the suburbs, making the city only the 11th largest population in the U.S., falling all the way from 4th. A rebirth of culture and economic progress led to improved safety, better business environment, and an increased popularity in Detroit's major sports teams; the Red Wings(hockey), the Tigers(baseball) and Lions(football). The Pistons(basketball) are located in the suburb of Auburn Hills. New stadiums for the Lions and Tigers, the opening of three casino/hotels, and a revamping of businesses in the same neighborhood have made Detroit's "New Center" area a popular destination for people throughout the Midwest.

As with any large city, a visitor must always exercise caution. Detroit has had its share of bad press, but offers so many things to see and do that one should add it to their itinerary.

El Paso

El Paso is a city in Texas with a population of more than half a million. It is one of the most important border cities in the world due to the Ciudad Juarez-El Paso crossing everyday. It forms a huge metropolitan area with Ciudad Juarez, and the Rio Grande is their separation point.

El Paso's most important University or College is the University of Texas in El Paso, commonly known as UTEP. Because of its proximity with Ciudad Juarez, Americans are likely to go to Mexico for drinks (drinking age of 18 as opposed to Texas' 21), while Mexicans usually work and shop at El Paso because of the advantage of the dollars.

In Texas we often say that between El Paso and Houston one is the arm pit and the other is the butt of Texas, like most Texans I do not know which is which. El Paso has some decent food, a military base, easy access to Mexico and one of the largest Harley dealerships in the US. The other positive thing about El Paso is its proximaty to Big Bend National Park.

San Antonio

The city of San Antonio, Texas, is so heavily Hispanic that you could almost have drifted across the Mexican border already. In fact, had you come here a few hundred years ago, you would have been the other side of the border, and with this hefty heritage comes plenty to see, and ample, endless streams of tourists. Here you can rodeo, fiesta and explore the enchanting old Mexican buildings, all without ever leaving American soil. Of course, it wouldn’t be San Antonio without The Alamo, best known for the Texans 19th century stand against the Mexicans, which famously eventually failed, but remains a symbol of courage, sacrifice and liberty to many Americans. The building itself dates back nearly three hundred years; it’s rustic walls forever crammed with tourists, but poignant nonetheless. Now set in downtown San Antonio, you can play Davy Crockett, explore the history in depth in the neighboring museum and party on the nearby riverfront, where there are countless restaurants. You can take your pick – explore the deadly serious side, join in San Antonio’s party culture, or blend the two at will. The Shrine and the Long Barrack Museum both having telling stories of Texan history, while the chance to sample Mexican staples like fruit-infused waters along the street sides show you that even now, Antonio’s far from typically American. Away from that particular period of history, San Antonio has a few other special sites, too. The city-center botanical gardens are a big draw for anyone with green fingers, while you’ll find plenty of Alamo themed attractions, one of the country’s biggest zoos and an ample modern art scene to be explored, too. Vineyards, art and craft centers and the chance to become a cowboy for the day are all within an easy day trip, too. San Antonio will probably always be known for one thing above all others, and its valiant history is blended with an enjoyably varied culture and ample chances to do things that are probably entirely new. What more could you ask for?. 

San Diego

The second largest city in California and the ninth largest in the entire US, San Diego is a melting pot of agriculture, tourism, telecommunications, ship-building, and more. Home to the world-renowned San Diego Zoo and the Pacific Fleet of the US Navy, the city somehow manages to maintains a calm, laid-back approach that makes it one of the best places to experience Southern California away from the hustle and bustle that is Los Angeles. The city is packed with sights and sounds, from the harbors, the Gaslamp District, the beaches, the parks, Sea World, Wild Animal Park, the Point Loma Lighthouse, the various Spanish buildings preserved in Old Town, to the various sports teams like the Padres or Chargers, and you will find it impossible to pack it all into just one trip. San Diego is a major hub of technology and defense contractors for the US. There are five major military bases within 50 miles of the city, so the entire telecommunications and defense industry is a major draw on the economy here. In addition there are various biotechnology firms in the area, and plenty of video game companies. The food is as diverse as anywhere in the world, and is totally dependent on what part of the city you are in, with a major influence being Mexican. In fact, San Diego is right across the border from Tijuana, which is one of the most visited Mexican cities by American citizens due to its location right across the border. Outside of the tech and defense industries the most popular thing to do in San Diego is surf, sail, or just laze on the beach. There are literally miles upon miles upon miles of beaches, ranging from beach towns like Ocean Beach to La Jolla to places like Imperial Beach or Coronado, just across the San Diego Bay. But there is also access to the Cuyamaca Mountains, the Cleveland National Forest, or Laguna Mountains, so it really depends on what you want to experience when you come to the city.. 

San Francisco

From the Victorian architecture to the notoriously steep inclines to the Pacific coastline and the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco is one of the oldest, most beautiful, and amazing cities in California, and definitely the world. Sourdough bread, the piers, the seafood and California culture all combine into a city that is almost a culture until itself apart from the rest of the United States. The central city behind the San Francisco Bay Area, the city has been a major player ever since the Gold Rush era, and is known for its earthquakes, its LGBT communities, hippies, and for being one of the most liberal and laid-back places on the Earth. San Francisco can be broken down into a variety of districts, each with their own very unique culture and feel. Probably the most famous are Golden Gate, Nob Hill, Fisherman’s Wharf, Chinatown, and Union Square, but there are many others as well. Depending on what you want to experience while in the city, you will want to head to the various regions and immerse yourself in the counterculture that each one represents. There’s a lot to see and do in San Francisco. If seafood is what you are after, then you’ve come to the right place. Sushi is almost a staple food throughout the city, as is Chinese food, and fresh seafood is constantly on the menu. There are also a ton of microbreweries, not to mention world-famous bakeries. But there are also sports venues like the San Francisco 49ers or performing arts to be seen at places like the Fillmore Auditorium. Head out on a harbor tour and visit the island of Alcatraz, or simply spend your time wandering the streets enjoying the beauty of the surrounding city. Either way you are bound to find yourself wandering into something that will not only amaze you but leave you wondering if perhaps you might be due for a move to a new city. 

Santa Barbara

A place that is often described as the American Riviera, Santa Barbara is a coastal city on one of the only east-west sections of coastline in the state, directly between the Santa Ynez Mountains and the ocean. Santa Barbara is a major tourist destination for many reasons, not the least of which is the beautiful countryside, the pleasant beaches, and the constantly mild climate which has been referred to as Mediterranean in nature by many people. Between the wineries, the scenery, the beaches, and the luxury accommodations, this is possibly one of the best places in California to just get away from it all and relax in a place where indulgence is the only item on the menu. Being on the coast, the weather is very mild. Average temperatures run from the low sixties in the winter to upper seventies in the summer and night-time lows are very mild as well. Only 15 inches of rain per year and 300 days of sunshine. The University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) is a popular undergraduate and graduate destination for American as well as international students. Apart from UCSB there are the Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), Westmont College as well as the Brooks Institute. State street is famous for its shops and upscale restaurants. When the evening rolls in, its transforms into the hot spot for having drinks, hanging out and clubbing. Santa Barbara has a reputation for being a playground for the wealthy and elite, and while it’s true that the prices of property and otherwise are somewhat higher than other places in the state, the actual residents of the city are upper middle-class Americans, which means it’s possible to enjoy a somewhat-budgeted trip here if you are strapped for cash. And while most people spend all their time on the beach, there are plenty of sites to see within the city itself, ranging from the Santa Barbara Botanical Garden to the Museum of Natural History or the Santa Barbara Courthouse, complete with its tower overlooking everything. Beyond the borders of the city on the opposite side of the beach, however, loom the Santa Ynez Mountains, the Los Padres National Forest, and a wide variety of remote wilderness areas that are just perfect for the hiking and outdoor enthusiast. Not to mention, the views from atop the hills looking down over the city and out over the ocean are simply phenomenal.. 

Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz is located at the northern end of the Monterey Bay on the coast of California. It's about 70 miles south of San Francisco, but San Jose and the Silicon Valley are only about 35 miles away over the hills on the infamous highway 17 (see separate review). The population of Santa Cruz is only about 50000, so it is a pretty small town. Home of Univ. of California Santa Cruz, so it's a college town. It has beautiful beaches, world-class surfing (the city's nickname is Surf City), the historic Beach Boardwalk with its classic rides and roller coasters are a favorite for kids and family in the summer, the pier with its fish market and restaurants and shops is a fun place to visit. Nearby hills we have tall redwood trees, and a train can take you from the hills to the beach! An interesting point to note, hidden in the hills is a tourist attraction that is named the Mystery Spot because it is breaks the laws of physics. This surely deserves a visit anytime and is a family fun orientated destination. A pedestrian-friendly downtown area which was destroyed by the 1989 earthquake and rebuilt. Monarch butterflies winter in the eucalyptus trees by the Natural Bridges state park. Mild climate, a bit cool from the ocean mist at times. Victorian mansions in old Santa Cruz for architecture lovers. For you traveling and nature photographers, did you know Frans Lanting calls Santa Cruz home? Santa Cruz is the quintessential beach town. It was here that Hawaiian royalty first introduced surfing to the mainland. Locals and visitors alike have been riding the waves ever since. Not far from the surf break the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, the West Coast's last remaining seaside amusement park.. 

Santa Fe

The capital of the state of New Mexico, and one of the most well-known cities in the state, Santa Fe is a complex mixture of colonial architecture, small-town atmosphere, scenic beauty, cultural diversity, and American history. Once the capital of a Spanish territory, then Mexican, and then American, Santa Fe boasts a rich tapestry of cultural and historical events over the years, and when combined with the beauty of the nearby Sangre de Cristo Mountains makes for an absolutely perfect New Mexico vacation. Santa Fe is a fairly small town, but public transportation isn’t up to European standards, and while most active travelers will have no problem walking around, some might find the town to be a bit daunting. Parking is a major issue in the summer months due to the tourist inflow, so the best way to prepare is just get ready to walk. A lot. However, this is also the best way to see the city, as most of the historic buildings, museums, and architecture can only be experienced up close and personal on foot. Whether you choose to explore the St. Francis Cathedral, the Scottish Rite Temple, or any of the structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Santa Fe is one of the few cities in America which features so much colonial architecture from the Spanish and Mexican days. The city is considered by many to be a year-round festival town, with festivities starting in February and running all the way through until late December. And if you find yourself getting tired of the city itself, there is the surrounding countryside to consider as well, with the mountains and parks offering a wide variety of hiking and biking opportunities, not to mention horseback riding if that’s your thing. Either way, Santa Fe is a unique town with a lot of different opportunities, perfect for any type of traveler any time of the year.. 

Santa Monica

A Pacific Ocean beachside resort immortalized in the lyrics of countless music-loving beach bums and seemingly designed for the summer, Santa Monica is a holiday-focused corner of LA County that’s grown over the past century from a tiny tourist aside along the golden coast to a clearly cash-heavy neighbourhood with an endearing love of surfing. As one of the west coast’s artier corners, Santa Monica can offer you plenty in the way of quirky entertainment, which comes in the form of anything from competitive chess in the city’s parks to the boardwalk and pier, home to street artists, roller coasters and stunning views of the beach. The aim is clear from the outset: a high quality adventure experience, one that mixes the laid back vibes of the beach-bum, surfer lifestyle with the modern influx of professionals who want to eat high-end seafood and sip on cocktails. For more of a taste of the culture that Santa Monica loves to rave about, delve into the galleries – there are nearly one hundred of them, so you’re absolutely certain to find something you like the look of – or take in a concert on the pier. The design district explores the classic and the modern in the world of home furnishings (a functional souvenir?) and the city has a few historical landmarks to show off, too. Despite only being built over the last century or so, Santa Monica does includes the end of the stunning west coast highway Route 66 (though exactly where that end is located is a subject of plenty of local debate), while you can also explore the Marion Davies Estate, once home to some of Hollywood’s most notorious parties in the early days of cinema. Located barely a stones throw away from the infamous Malibu and hardly a long shot from LA itself, either, Santa Monica is a great stop off on a Pacific road trip, one that gives you a brief taste of the high life and plenty of time to slip into full on relaxation mode.. 


As one of America’s biggest draws when it comes to beach holidays, Tampa Bay is a massive vacation hotspot, with plenty of sun and a party atmosphere that prevails throughout the year and kicks up a notch during the summer months. From luxury cruises and what borders on an obsession with golf to a more laid back experience bird watching or learning how to roll a cigar, you’re unlikely to find yourself refined to the beach, though. Tampa is – slowly but surely – gaining something of a luxury edge, especially in the newfound resort style destinations, and prices are sliding up accordingly. If you can afford it, you’ll find this a great spot to grab some high-class wines or charter your own boat and wallow in summer sumptuousness. For the less well off, the natural surroundings are more than enough to keep you busy, with splashing dolphins and lazy manatees, pier fishing and even a relatively affordable selection of spas to keep your holiday full of magic moments. Of course, the sub-tropical plant life here is an essential feature, too, and you can see plenty of it from the top of the seemingly endless roller coasters found in holiday spots like Adventure Island, Discovery World and of course Orlando’s SeaWorld. If you prefer something a little more cultured, you’ll find museums specializing in everything from cigars – a local fascination, perhaps developed through proximity to Cuba – to originals by infamous modernist Salvador Dali and the tropical gardens and bizarre architecture of the Henry B. Plant Museum. It wouldn’t be Tampa, of course, without an abundance of professional sport, all of it followed with a passion that makes the experience special. Take your pick from the Buccaneers(Football), Rays(Baseball), Storm(Arena Football) and Lightning(Hockey), each of which bring their own edge, and are best enjoyed with a large beer and an even larger hot dog in hand. In many ways Tampa is quintessentially American, offering all the perks you might expect from a holiday spot, coupled with a welcoming and upbeat atmosphere and ample surprises along the way.. 


An energetic and invigorating corner of Arizona with an unsurprisingly hefty hint of Mexico spilling over the border to it, Tucson is cupped amongst craggy desert mountains and has a slight wild-west feel. Home to the University of Arizona, the city also has a great student atmosphere, and is home to the kind of character-drenched, laid-back downtown that hosts plenty of cheap bars and tasty Hispanic-themed restaurants. Downtown Tucson - lively though it is - is relatively lacking in major attractions. There are a few worth checking out, though, like the Tucson Presidio, an 18th century fort that’s been renovated and reconstructed over the past few years; the ramshackle remains include repaired fort walls and a 20ft tower. The historic Train Depot once changed this city for good, and still stands tall in its heart, while old Tucson studios are the place to go to see the spot where ‘The Lone Ranger and the Lost City of Gold’ (and many other western films) was shot, and get involved in your own – hopefully toned down – selection of gun-slinging stunts and saloons. The best parts of Tucson, though, are outside of the city itself. Surrounded by an alluring selection of mountains, this is a hikers dream, with The Rincons, Santa Ritas and Saguaro National Park all within easy reach, and plentiful exciting trails to follow. Those not so keen on the outdoor stuff can still enjoy the views; head to Arizona–Sonara Museum (which will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the desert, and actually has more in common with a well stocked zoo than a museum, covering everything from rattlesnakes to limestone caves), or head for the high-end resorts of the Catalina Foothills, where you can get pampered in your own up-market wilderness, or eat dinner staring out over the valley. Any fan of the Wild West – in either the movie or messing around in the desert sense – will love this small city in the heart of the wilderness, while hikers are spoiled for choice when it comes to scenic adventures. Believe it or not, you can even ski in Tucson! That's right, Mt. Lemmon, home of the US's most southern ski resort, provides the opportunity for you to golf in the morning, then a short 1 hour drive later, be hitting the slopes. The chair lift runs year round for great views of Tucson. Be sure to call ahead to make sure the skiing is open!. 


An independent city nestled in the Hampton Roads metropolitan area of Virginia along the Atlantic Ocean near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia Beach is the most populated city in Virginia, and is considered one of the most classic beach destinations in the United States, with a reputation for being one of the few family-friendly ocean-front destinations catering specifically to the family. With a mild climate year-round, a resort theme, and surrounding countryside full of state parks, national wildlife refuges, and plenty of outdoor adventures to experience if the beach proves to be something you only want to spend half your time enjoying, Virginia Beach is easily one of the best places to choose when it comes to enjoying a mild and relaxing coastal holiday. In many ways, Virginia Beach harkens back to the times when the Victorian Brits first popularized the concept of a seaside holiday. This is a place where you can go, with or without your family, and experience a wholesome, entertaining, and relaxing holiday without having to worry about drunken frat parties, spring break crowds, or any other sort of interruptions. But beyond the beach itself, the views looking out over Chesapeake Bay are simply breathtaking, and there is plenty of national history to explore nearby, such as First Landing Cross, which is where the first English settlers landed in 1607, as well as the Cape Henry Lighthouse, first built in 1792. There is also the Mount Trashmore Park, and more than 18,000 acres of state parks and national wildlife refuges just outside of the city to explore if you get tired of the beaches. And since Virginia Beach is a resort destination, you can simply choose to relax and indulge in the all-inclusive setting of your chosen resort, simply lazing on the beach and enjoying the amenities. Either way, this is a splendid coastal holiday destination.. 


Washington—more commonly known as Washington DC or the District of Columbia—is a city of possibilities. From its broad range of public museums detailing the history of not only America but mankind itself, as well as a veritable treasure-trove of the nation’s most important memorials with places like the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, or the Washington Monument, Washington boasts a broad array of sights and sounds that have millions of people flocking to the city every year. Washington is at its heart a city of politics. The foundations of the city were laid down as a result of American history, and while it wasn't the first capital of the country, it has remained so for most of the recorded history of the country, and between the White House itself and the various other government branches that make their headquarters here, Washington can be said to be one of the major centers of power on planet Earth. Washington is built in a unique section of the country along the Potomac River, and it is this waterfront section of the city that most people never think about when they come, when in fact it is the oldest and most unique section of the city that goes back to long before the place was established as a seat of government. Known as the Southwest Waterfront region, it is famous for its seafood and some of the most amazing architecture you can see outside of the national monuments. For a long time the waterfront district was considered an embarrassment as a slum smacked up against the Capitol, but there are literally dozens of restaurants, clubs, bars, condos, houses and more that make up the unique look and feel, and when combined with the marinas and the National Defense University, as well as the Navy Yard, make for a side of Washington that most people never get to see.. 

Best Places to visit in Hong Kong

hong kong involved the mixture of tradition and modern, has much to explore. TopChinaTravel would like to introduce some of the Best Places to visit in Hong Kong, to help you find your way to explore the multi-beauty of this bustling commercial city. Where to visit in Hong Kong? Travel with us, you will not have chance to visit the modern side of this city, you will be impressed by the well-kept local custom and cultural that built hundred of years ago, etc. 

Victoria PeakLocated in Hong Kong Island, Victoria Peak is a mountain which also known as Mount Austin. With a height of 522 meters above sea level, it is the highest mountain of the Hong Kong Island. The actual summit of Victoria Peak is occupied by a radio telecommunications facility and is closed to the public. But the area surrounded is the major attraction of Hong Kong, from where one can enjoy spectacular views of the city and its harbours.

Currently it hosts more than 6 million visitors each year. The Tram ride alone is spectacularly breathtaking, whether you are going up or coming down. This will give you the best angle to capture exceptional video footage while you are moving to the 373 meters hill top. At the end of this seven-minute journey you can expect to have the penultimate view of the entire Hong Kong.

Ocean ParkThe Ocean Park of Hong Kong is one of the world's largest oceanaria and comprises 170 hilly acres overlooking the sea. Opened in January, 1977, this very popular local theme park and amusement park is situated between Aberdeen and Repulse Bay of the Southern District of Hong Kong. The park has won several awards, including The World's Seventh Most Popular Amusement Park and 33rd Most Visited Tourist Attractions in the World by Forbes

The sheer variety of entertainment, education and conservation facilities will cater to the entire family and your experience will remain in your memory to love, enjoy and cherish for the rest of your life.

Repulse Bay
Located in the southern part of Hong Kong Island, Repulse Bay is an ideal resort and the most popular beach site for tourists to spend their leisure time. 

Shaped as a crescent, this bay enjoys long and gentle slope, broad and clean sandy beach and soft clear water, is great for sandy strolls and swimming and is a good place to take a stroll at sunset when all is at peace. As well as sun, sea and sand, there are plenty of diversions nearby. The former colonial style Repulse Bay Hotel and the ornate Life Guard Club built in traditional Chinese style are all there for you to explore. The Repulse Bay area is one of the most expensive housing areas in Hong Kong.

AberdeenOriginally, Aberdeen was only a small fishing village that located on the south shore of Hong Kong Island, has long prospered off of sea-based industries from the boom of the city's fishing industry in the early 20th century to its oil industry today. 

It is now a popular tourist attraction in Hong Kong that famous for its floating village and floating seafood restaurants. The people of the floating village (boat people) are generally associated with the fishing industry, and there are also several dozen expatriates living on boats in the harbor. You may gain a deeper insight of the lifestyle of Hong Kong fishing folks by riding on a sampan.

Hong Kong Disneyland ParkHong Kong Disneyland Park, located on reclaimed land in Penny's Bay, Lantau Island, is the 11th Theme Park organized by Disneyland International Cooperation. It covers an area of covering about 40 hectares, opened to visitors on 12 September 2005.

There are four main parts in the park: Main Street U.S.A, Fantasy land, Tomorrow land and Adventure land. The theme park's cast members use English and Chinese, including Cantonese and Mandarin dialects, to communicate verbally. Guide Maps are printed in both Traditional and Simplified characters, Japanese, and in English.